Health care reform in the US is a hot-button topic these days. According to a recent New York Times article, Americans are divided evenly in number as to their feelings about the issue. Though the debate over the issue is likely to continue for a while, action to implement a nationally networked health record system was put into place in February 2009 with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. With or without Obamas health care reform bill, revolutionary changes in the medical field through information technology are right around the corner.
Known as the ARRA, terms of the final bill that is now law calls for $19 billion to be directed towards health information technology in general. Additionally, another $500 million is to be distributed through the Department of Labor for the training of a workforce to implement the new technology. Combined with the Obama Administrations vigilant pursuit of post-secondary education reform and increased access to education, it is possible that the time has never been better to advance your career or train for a new one in health information technology.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs in the health information field will go up almost 20%. Experts say that, even now, the number of people trained in electronic medical coding and health information management is not sufficient to fill the need. Compliance with the new law will require at least an additional 30,000 workers specially trained in universal medical coding and how to implement it electronically.
Training for a career in health information management spans a wide range of possibilities, but ultimately, employers will be searching for the candidates who have earned certification through the American Health Information Management Association, or AHIMA. Generally, completion of a two-year health information management course from an AHIMA-accredited school is required to be able to take the certification exam. The organization also offers coder certification, which requires only 9-12 months prior training.
Educational programs in health information technology will most likely increase as the demand for training increases. At present, a good selection is available to those persons who are looking for a degree or degree programs in the field. Many of the institutions offer accredited distance learning programs in the way of online courses. So many, in fact, are offering the programs online that, according to Sheila Danzig, director of, enrollment numbers in these courses have been growing yearly by at least 10%.
As the dismal financial climate persists worldwide, survival depends on the willingness to adjust to change. As health care reform becomes more imminent, it may be worth noting that some changes, though painful, can provide more solutions than might be immediately apparent. With the increased availability of funding for education, easier access to educational programs, and the shifting of national economic focus, health care reform is in our future, and in fact, is already here.
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