Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Exciting SOC Radio Show Featuring author and distributor, Linda Burhams

Please join us for as we present a brand new format for our upcoming SOC Radio show. It will take place on Thursday, February 26, at 6 p.m. MST (8 p.m. EST, 7 p.m. CST, and 5 p.m. PST).

This exciting show will feature author and fellow SOC Distributor, Linda Burhams. Michelle Bateman will be talking to Linda about her book, Good Night and God Bless, and share her inspiring journey. This show is about family, love and sacrifice. It will be an experience that you and your loved ones can enjoy together.

Go to

Monday, February 23, 2009

With our exclusive Pre-Authorized Checking you could give yourself a $50,000 raise.

As a business owner how many times have you heard, "The Check's in the Mail"

Even with the best intentions, some customers will have difficulty making payments to a business on time. Whether it is because customers cannot afford a large payment, they simply forget to make it, or any other number of excuses the bottom line is this: when a business does not get paid on time it can cause major problems. Poor cash flow is cited as the number one reason why new businesses fail. At this point a business owner has two choices, they can continue to spend a small fortune using traditional methods attempting to collect what their customers owe them, or they can switch over to one of the fastest growing methods for receiving payments today. It is called Pre-Authorized Checking™ (PAC) and now any business owner can start using it immediately to increase their company's bottom line.

Are these excuses familiar?

"Your invoice must have gotten lost in the mail."
"Did you send me a bill this month?"
"Can't you draft this from my checking account?"
"Sorry, I forgot to mail my payment."
"Let me look at my checkbook, and I will call you right back!"
"I thought it was due the 15th!"
"I've been out of town for a couple of weeks."
The reasons for untimely payments could go on and on. The number of customers paying in 30, 60, and 90 days past the due date is increasing. By using PAC, a business can reduce their receivables and help eliminate many of the collection problems before they even occur. PAC also improves customer retention by allowing your customers the option to be on an automated payment system. Studies have shown that consumers who utilize an auto pay system stay with that business in excess of 90% of the time. Business owners using PAC have also found that it helps them attract new customers by using it as an in-house payment or financing plan. This allows their customers to purchase products or services they might not otherwise be able to afford. The best news is that in most cases there are no monthly minimums, no monthly fees, and no on-going cost to the business owner. There is only a small processing fee for drafting each check. This fee can either be included in the customer payment or can be paid by the business at the owner's choice.

Here Is How It Works:
PAC ensures that your payments are received on time each month, every month. A customer simply completes the release form to sign up for the program. This form is then forward along with other completed forms to RX Business Solutions. Our processing center prints the pre-authorized checks for the agreed upon amounts and delivers them to the business on the scheduled date(s). Owners simply take the pre-authorized checks to their banks and deposit them like any normal check. Depending on the volume of accounts, RX Business Solutions can even deposit the checks for a business.

With PAC there is no computer access into a customer's checking account like a traditional ACH. Their check is simply re-created on the agreed-upon day each month for deposit into the business owner's bank account. Their pre-authorized check is noted on their monthly bank statement like any other check. This non-threatening approach makes signing up customers on PAC very easy. Because you will be in control of the checks being deposited, there is no chance for the bank to make a mistake on your customer's account. This flexibility allows you to even hold a check for a few days if necessary for your customer without any problems or fees.

There is no cost for software, hardware, phone lines, or any of the typical expenses required for electronic fund transfers by the bank.

Considering convenience, cost efficiency and excellent service, PAC is rapidly becoming one of the nation's leading methods of automatic payment processing. Major retail, utility, mortgage companies, and insurance companies have utilized this system for over 20 years! Now RX Business Solutions can make it available to any business regardless of its size.

Have Questions
See our Pre-Authorized Checking FAQ

How Much Additional Revenue Can a Business Earn?
See our PAC Revenue Calculator to learn how much annual profits can increase.
Make sure to contact us today to speak with a representative regarding this amazing new service!

ENJOY MORE! Spend more time doing what you want.

Practice Management Made Easier

Our goal is simple, we want to meet your practice management needs in the very best way possible.

RX Business Solutions understands patient accounting is one of the most vital components in any medical practice operation. Yet it has been one of the areas most lacking in software functionality; until now. With the power of the Internet we can now deliver to you a state of the art service that will prove to be a tremendous value to your practice in more ways than one.

We have talked about the importance of outsourcing and what it can mean to any medical practice, but you may still have some hesitation whether or not this is the right avenue for your practice. At RX Business Solutions, we have encountered several doctors who believe that outsourcing their billing functions to someone else causes them to lose control of their billing and not know what is going on. We understand this reluctance and do not blame anyone for feeling this way. It can be very intimidating to turn over your billing to an outside firm because after all, it is the life blood of your practice!

Many conventional billing services take your data away and input it in their software. They perform their services without your knowledge of what was billed and when, except for the reports they may send your way. This is not to say that these billing services are not performing well and bringing value to their doctor, but they generally do not have a convenient cost free way for the doctor to have access to their account information in real time, any time.

Our exclusive system eliminates that problem. Until now, in order for the provider to have more access to his accounts when outsourcing to a billing company, expensive networks with remote networking capability had to be put in place, and expensive software generally had to be purchased. The problem is that this is not always a feasible feat for every medical office.

RX Business Solutions has changed all that, and is offering you new technology that will revolutionize how you manage your medical practice! Just imagine not being burdened with your claims filing anymore, but at the same time not having to worry at the quality of the work being done. Now with our exclusive system a doctor can monitor the progress of their claims in real-time, any time around the clock! That means that a medical practice can stop worrying about the status of their billing and start focusing on their patients.

We understand what you want and how important it is for you to:

Be certain your claims are filed in a timely manner
View your patient's account information in real-time, any time
Generate reports with informative and useful financial data about your practice
Have the ability to make simple changes in patient demographic information without any hassles
Save money by not investing in expensive software, networks, and other technological equipment

Your billing specialist will be happy to arrange a live demonstration of this service and answer any questions you may have.

With our Electronic Medical Claims Filing System your rejected claims average just 2%, with funds in your account in as little as 7 days!

Real-Time Electronic Medical Claims Filing™

The Problem: Insurance Companies Hate To Pay What They Owe

As you probably know, the whole process of filing insurance claims is cumbersome, time consuming and energy-draining. The insurance companies have made it as difficult as possible to get paid. Obviously they have a vested interest in paying out as little money as they possibly can. One of the best ways they hang on to their money a little longer is by creating an extremely difficult set of hoops that doctors have to jump through to file and collect their insurance claims.

This arduous process is probably all too familiar to you already. First, one must spend an average of 10 to 15 minutes filling out the CMS 1500’s. This could take hours a day if one has numerous patients. If there are any minute details on the paperwork that are not filled out correctly, the insurance company rejects the entire claim and sends it back to you—unpaid. Then one has to figure out what the problem is, attempt to fix it, and then re-submit the claim and hope it is right the second time around.

The results of this frustrating process are startling: On average 32% of all claims are rejected, 5 to 15% are lost in the shuffle and never collected, and the average time it takes the doctors to collect their money is 60 to 90 days. It can be even longer for Medicaid claims.

In addition, aside from stretching the time it takes to receive payment, this process also presents one with another major problem: it takes a tremendous amount of employee and overhead cost for one to manage the entire claims filing process. In fact, the New England Journal of Medicine states that a typical doctor's overhead and billing expenses account for 43.7% of his/her gross income. This translates into an average of about one and a half clerical workers per doctor at an average annual cost of $51,564. This does not include the hidden costs like vacation time, insurance, and the like.

The Solution: Electronic Medical Claims Filing

Electronic medical claims filing now comes into play. Instead of relying on staff to laboriously file claims and then endlessly follow-up on them through the approval and collection process, now a physician can outsource the entire process to a medical billing professional. RX Business Solutions can also lower the time it takes to receive payment from an industry average of 90 days to as little as 7 days. We are trained professionals who are equipped with proprietary, state-of-the-art software that allows us to electronically file claims for you. The benefits to your practice are enormous.

Eliminate Software Hassles

We all know that the Internet has changed our world. Our Practice Management System is automatically upgraded on a daily basis and requires no complex installations. You have access to your client's data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via the Internet.

Benefit #1: Speeds Up the Payment Process
Next Generation Electronic filing drastically reduces the amount of time it takes to collect payments from the insurance companies from 60 to 90 days to just 7 to 21 days. This is possible because electronically filed claims are handled by computers instead of human "gate keepers" at the insurance companies . These "gate keepers" are the ones who ultimately determine whether or not one should be paid. However, when claims are handled by computers there are no people to bog down the process.

Benefit #2: Lower Claims Rejection Rates
The rejection rate for claims utilizing our service can plummet from over 30% to under 2%. Obviously, claims that are not rejected move through the system more quickly. In addition, claims that are mysteriously "LOST" by the insurance companies and never paid are eliminated altogether. Claims cannot be lost when using electronic medical claims filing because they produce an acceptance report from the carrier that ensures receipt.

Benefit #3: Frees Your Time
This benefit is not always quite so obvious to doctors, but is very significant nevertheless: doctors spend as much as one and a half to two hours a day supervising and working on insurance claims. At the very least, physicians have a high-paid staff person working on filing the claims. Our system can give you more time to either see more patients, and therefore make more money, or spend more time doing what you want to do. This also frees up the time of your staff members, allowing them to make more patient calls and run the office more efficiently.

Benefit #4: Immediate Cost Savings
An office can realize an immediate cost savings when outsourcing it's billing to us. A recent survey in the Medical Group Management Journal showed that the average cost of internal billing departments was 11% of the practices' income. Our billing services, on the other hand, charge much less to perform the same service, depending on the volume and complexity of the situation.

Still Have Questions
Read more in our
Electronic Medical Claims Processing FAQ

Calculate Your Potential SavingsTake a look at our EMC Savings Calculator

Imagine collecting 41% of past due and slow pay accounts, guaranteed for as little as 5% of each outstanding account?

If this was true, businesses and doctors would be able to collect a large amount of money that they were ready to "write off." Whether a business has hundreds of accounts or only a few, our Profit Recovery Service will accelerate their cash flow and virtually eliminate the need to turn accounts over to a traditional collection agency.

A Better Way to Help Collect Past Due Accounts

Traditional collection agencies can be upsetting because they give the impression to the debtor that they have been “turned in.” Businesses and Doctors love our service because we offer them professional guaranteed results that do not upset their customers like other collection methods.

The Profit Recovery Service delivers critical capabilities:

A state-of-the-art mailing system for communicating with your debtors
Effective, properly written collection letters sent on the business' or doctor's letterhead
The impact of nonpayment leading to real consequences –Credit Bureau reporting or possible Attorney action– presented in a series of increasingly emphatic collection demands
An efficient interface for coordinating collection efforts with an Attorney
Compelling actions by the Attorney – a series of collection contacts and legal steps taken on your behalf
And finally, Payments are made directly to the business or doctor!

How it Works

At the crucial point in time when a business has lost dialog with their debtors, usually between 60 and 90 days, immediate action with the Profit Recovery Service will produce maximum collection results:

Step 1: Setup
The debtor is added to the system with his/her account balance. At this point the automatic system begins a series of courteous, but very effective debtor collection demands using the company's own letterhead. These letters now have the added impact of an attorney, the credit bureau and the agency threat motivating more people to pay.

Step 2: Attorney Involvement (if necessary)
If the account is still unpaid 2 weeks after the fourth contact, the business has the option to transmit it to a retained attorney assigned to them. The attorney will in turn mail a series of stronger, increasingly demanding contacts on their attorney letterhead, plus make a series of courteous but effective, phone calls (on balances of $100 or more). If desired, the attorney will then proceed with litigation if feasible.

Step 3a: Payment
The letters instruct the debtor to send payment directly to the business throughout the process allowing them to receive all monies paid without going through a third party.

-Or- 3b: Non-Payment
If the account remains unpaid, our system will transmit the debtor data to one or more of three National Credit Reporting Bureaus at the discretion of the business.

Step 4: Account Resolution
Upon resolution of the account, our system will mail a "thank you" letter to the debtor at the discretion of the business.

Step 5: Client Reports
Each month the business will receive a detailed “Account Inventory Report” indicating all activity to date on all accounts submitted to the system. At any time, they will have access to our web site where they may obtain a detailed status report and summary of their accounts.

Benefits of the Profit Recovery Service

Because the collection demand is intensified and applied sooner, using more powerful tools than a traditional agency can deliver, we collect more than traditional methods for much less
Recovery is also increased because every possible legal alternative is communicated to the debtor while the account is still collectable.
Security of funds will be maintained, because the business receives all payments directly.
Collection cost will be little or nothing! The cost of the system is partially or completely offset by the savings in internal expense.

Our unique Profit Recovery Service is hands free and provides proven results. Our clients have observed the following statistics:

Overall Recovery to Date: 41%
Cost for Recovery: as little as 5% – not counting internal savings

Do not settle for a traditional collection agency that recovers less and charges more to do it! Request more information and learn more about this exciting service.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Medical Provider Issues

ANCO Online ListServ: ACCC, DHCS/Medical, %26 NOCR News
Most Medi-Cal Providers have been activated to use eTAR. To verify access, go to, select the Transactions tab and log in with your NPI and PIN. An eTAR tab with options for Medical TARs will be available. ... In July 2007, CMS addressed Issues and concerns as part of the public comment for Section 42, CFR Part 447, Medicaid Program; Prescription Drugs; Final Rule. We are still hearing many of those concerns today in our wokshops. ...

Automated Site Content

Monday, February 16, 2009

How to Get More Money, Faster, Into Your Medical Practice

Join us for a Webinar on March 6

Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

This one hour presentation could be the best one hour you will spend in order to get the cash flow in your practice where it needs to be.

Patrick Phillips, author of the new book, "Cash Crunch to Cash Flow", will show you why you are pocketing much less than you could be, even with your current patient base.

He will discuss how to plug the hidden leaks that are draining profits from your practice.

And, if you are an office manager or in charge of the receivables, you will have your eyes opened. Spend LESS time on the cash flow and yet see it increase two to three times what it is right now for the practice.

Seats are limited, so reserve one now. You will be able to listen on your computer, or over the phone, and will see the presentation live on your computer screen.

Note: this is at 11:00 AM PACIFIC time, so adjust for your time zone:

11:00 am Pacific
12:00 noon Mountain
1:00 pm Central
2:00 pm Eastern

Title: How to Get More Money, Faster, Into Your Medical Practice

Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2009

Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista

Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.4 (Tiger®) or newer

Monday, February 9, 2009

Increase revenues by encouraging clients to come back over and over again for needed services

Anyone in the world of business would agree that the best kind of customer is a repeat customer, someone that comes back to buy goods and services time and time again. What many do not know is that repeat customers cost less for a business to maintain than aquiring new customers, and are therefore more profitable. Recent studies indicate that as much as 80% of a business' profits come from repeat customers.

Just like any other business a doctor can increase their revenues by encouraging patients to come back over and over again for needed services. Common services for repeat customers might include checkups, immunizations, and the like that your patients need to remain healthy and vital. What doctors need is a systematized way to follow-up with their patients to remind them when it is time for scheduled appointments, or alert them to services they may not know they need.

Unfortunately, most doctors are far too busy with the business of seeing patients and handling payment problems that they do not have the time to attend to critical, practice-building activities. They are simply too swamped to put together a systematized follow-up program.

The Outsourcing Solution

Outsourcing your follow-up process is often the best solution. RX Business Solutions can help doctors implement a systematized program for following up with their patients. We can send patients letters, cards, and postcards to remind them of appointments and to offer additional services they may not know about. There are many different packages of cards and letters to choose from; each program can be customized to the needs of individual doctors. View some samples of our cards and letters.

The net result of this kind of systemized follow-up program is an inevitable increase in patient appointments and billings. Doctors will only be charged a small service fee for sending out the cards and letters and will quickly find that any money is recaptured at a profit when their practice is built to new levels of revenue through this program.

See Samples at

Increase revenues by encouraging clients to come back over and over again for needed services

Anyone in the world of business would agree that the best kind of customer is a repeat customer, someone that comes back to buy goods and services time and time again. What many do not know is that repeat customers cost less for a business to maintain than aquiring new customers, and are therefore more profitable. Recent studies indicate that as much as 80% of a business' profits come from repeat customers.

Just like any other business a doctor can increase their revenues by encouraging patients to come back over and over again for needed services. Common services for repeat customers might include checkups, immunizations, and the like that your patients need to remain healthy and vital. What doctors need is a systematized way to follow-up with their patients to remind them when it is time for scheduled appointments, or alert them to services they may not know they need.

Unfortunately, most doctors are far too busy with the business of seeing patients and handling payment problems that they do not have the time to attend to critical, practice-building activities. They are simply too swamped to put together a systematized follow-up program.

The Outsourcing Solution

Outsourcing your follow-up process is often the best solution. RX Business Solutions can help doctors implement a systematized program for following up with their patients. We can send patients letters, cards, and postcards to remind them of appointments and to offer additional services they may not know about. There are many different packages of cards and letters to choose from; each program can be customized to the needs of individual doctors. View some samples of our cards and letters.

The net result of this kind of systemized follow-up program is an inevitable increase in patient appointments and billings. Doctors will only be charged a small service fee for sending out the cards and letters and will quickly find that any money is recaptured at a profit when their practice is built to new levels of revenue through this program.

Using our Patient Payment Plan would save docs big bucks...

Using our Patient Payment Plan would save docs big bucks...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009