Friday, April 24, 2009

NetFlix where will you be?

I have a little story that I would like to share with you about Netflix. 9 years ago no one had really heard of Netflix. Today Netflix sends out, on average, 1.9 MILLION movies a day & is considered a household name, mainly because of word of mouth. Netflix was started by two guys out of a garage with an idea to make movies more convenient & cheaper to rent. Its not that Blockbuster or all the other video rental companies have done anything wrong, its just that companies like Netflix have come along & found an easier & cheaper way to do it. Last year Netflix grossed over $800 million in revenue & had profits in excess of $100 million.

Now knowing what you know today about Netlix, if 9 years ago someone would have given you the opportunity to invest a few hundred dollars with Netflix & get paid every time you referred someone to the website and they rented a movie, would you have done it?

What Netflix is to the movie industry, Sendoutcards is to the greeting card industry. Sendoutcards was started by two guys out of a garage in 2004. They had an idea that people would actually go to their computers, choose a greeting card, type a message & hit send. Then SOC would actually print that card out, stuff it in an envelope, put the address on along with an actual postage stamp, and send it out for about a dollar a card. Well, one year & about $900,000 later they realized it worked! In 2006, Sendoutcards grossed about $10.5 million; in 2007 around $25 million; and last year, in 2008, almost $50 million. The best part is you can actually become part of this company & get paid when you send cards & help others do the same! Where will you be a year from now?

Send Out Cards
Try it for free at

Thursday, April 23, 2009

With our exclusive Pre-Authorized Checking you could give yourself a $50,000 raise.

As a business owner how many times have you heard, "The Check's in the Mail"

Even with the best intentions, some customers will have difficulty making payments to a business on time. Whether it is because customers cannot afford a large payment, they simply forget to make it, or any other number of excuses the bottom line is this: when a business does not get paid on time it can cause major problems. Poor cash flow is cited as the number one reason why new businesses fail. At this point a business owner has two choices, they can continue to spend a small fortune using traditional methods attempting to collect what their customers owe them, or they can switch over to one of the fastest growing methods for receiving payments today. It is called Pre-Authorized Checking™ (PAC) and now any business owner can start using it immediately to increase their company's bottom line.

Are these excuses familiar?

"Your invoice must have gotten lost in the mail."
"Did you send me a bill this month?"
"Can't you draft this from my checking account?"
"Sorry, I forgot to mail my payment."
"Let me look at my checkbook, and I will call you right back!"
"I thought it was due the 15th!"
"I've been out of town for a couple of weeks."
The reasons for untimely payments could go on and on. The number of customers paying in 30, 60, and 90 days past the due date is increasing. By using PAC, a business can reduce their receivables and help eliminate many of the collection problems before they even occur. PAC also improves customer retention by allowing your customers the option to be on an automated payment system. Studies have shown that consumers who utilize an auto pay system stay with that business in excess of 90% of the time. Business owners using PAC have also found that it helps them attract new customers by using it as an in-house payment or financing plan. This allows their customers to purchase products or services they might not otherwise be able to afford. The best news is that in most cases there are no monthly minimums, no monthly fees, and no on-going cost to the business owner. There is only a small processing fee for drafting each check. This fee can either be included in the customer payment or can be paid by the business at the owner's choice.

Here Is How It Works:
PAC ensures that your payments are received on time each month, every month. A customer simply completes the release form to sign up for the program. This form is then forward along with other completed forms to RX Business Solutions. Our processing center prints the pre-authorized checks for the agreed upon amounts and delivers them to the business on the scheduled date(s). Owners simply take the pre-authorized checks to their banks and deposit them like any normal check. Depending on the volume of accounts, RX Business Solutions can even deposit the checks for a business.

With PAC there is no computer access into a customer's checking account like a traditional ACH. Their check is simply re-created on the agreed-upon day each month for deposit into the business owner's bank account. Their pre-authorized check is noted on their monthly bank statement like any other check. This non-threatening approach makes signing up customers on PAC very easy. Because you will be in control of the checks being deposited, there is no chance for the bank to make a mistake on your customer's account. This flexibility allows you to even hold a check for a few days if necessary for your customer without any problems or fees.

There is no cost for software, hardware, phone lines, or any of the typical expenses required for electronic fund transfers by the bank.

Considering convenience, cost efficiency and excellent service, PAC is rapidly becoming one of the nation's leading methods of automatic payment processing. Major retail, utility, mortgage companies, and insurance companies have utilized this system for over 20 years! Now RX Business Solutions can make it available to any business regardless of its size.

Have Questions
See our Pre-Authorized Checking FAQ

How Much Additional Revenue Can a Business Earn?
See our PAC Revenue Calculator to learn how much annual profits can increase.
Make sure to contact us today to speak with a representative regarding this amazing new service!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

SOC Radio Presents The Ultimate Strategy for Failing Your Way to Success!

It may sound like an unlikely success strategy, but Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz, authors of Go For No!, will explain all on our upcoming SOC Radio show on Thursday, April 23, at 6 p.m. MST. Be prepared for an exciting and insightful show!


Just go to and click on "Listen Now!" at the scheduled time.

To Send a FREE card go to

Collect More Money

During a consultation with one of my clients this week, he proudly stated, "Don, our past due accounts receivable are down from over $100,000 in October to less than $30,000 at year end! I still can’t believe what a difference those simple steps made in our collection process.” Later the same day, I spoke with a prospect who told me that more than half of hiscurrent past dues were more than 120 days. “I’ve tried everything I know to try. I’m just going to have to start beating the bushes for more business or I’m not going to make it." If both continue down the same path, which one do you think will be the most successful?

My client has been very busy over the last few months taking action so he would NOT be in this position. Unfortunately, the second owner is typical of many business owners today. Complacency when things are going well can be an absolute killer. Sales were good. Profits were good. What else could you ask for? Did you realize that many businesses who closed their doors last year had record sales? Did you realize that many of them also had record profits? The difference between profits and cash flow can be the difference between success and mediocrity, or even failure. One of the worst drags on cash flow is lack of accounts receivable management. How do I know this? I have been through it personally and I learned the hard way that failure to properly manage your accounts receivable can seriously damage your bank account. I was once forced to write off more than $40,000 in receivables to two separate clients…clients that I trusted…clients that I did special favors for and let them slide when they were late. I did it because I liked them…and I trusted them. Big mistake when you let emotions cloud your judgement in the collection area. When that happened it was painful and I don't like seeing that happen to others when I know how it can be avoided.

But from all adversity, there is a lesson to be learned. Everyone needs a system for collecting accounts. A system alerts you to specific steps at specific times and takes the guesswork out of sending letters and making calls. A system uses a letter that has been proven to work again and again, a call script that has been proven to work again and again and utilizes it increase your cash flow and significantly reduce your past due accounts receivable.

To survive in business, you must always keep your finger on the cash flow pulse. Many business owners I know are so focused on sales and profits that they forget that profits don’t pay the bills…cash does. Some of the most cash flow challenged companies in the world are those that are growing the fastest. One of the best ways to keep the cash flowing is to manage your receivables with flawless consistency.

Make sure that accounts receivable management has dedicated space on your calendar every single week.

And remember, accounts receivable management is not an event. It's an ongoing process that requires regular action. It requires a plan, constant attention, and dedication. Complacency and procrastination can kill you.

For more information on how to reduce your past due accounts receivable and give your cash flow a boost, visit the website at

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Amongst a Rocky Ecomony SendOutCards Continues to Grow Rapidly

Keeping a positive outlook during a time that has been dubbed by many as an "economic crisis" is not always easy, and that's why we wanted to share with you a few numbers that will not only ease your mind but help you look forward to a bright and exciting future with SendOutCards.

As far as statistics are concerned, it's always exciting to compare our growth from previous years. With the first quarter of 2009 already over, we wanted to take a moment and share a few numbers that you can share with others when they ask, "how's your business doing?"

Total Cards Sent
• In the first quarter of 2008, we sent 1,894,111 cards
• During all of 2008, we sent a total of 10,740,117 cards
• In the first quarter of 2009, we sent a total of 2,466,322 cards
• Compared to last year, that's approximately a 25% increase!
Total Gifts Sent
• In the first quarter of 2009, we sent 26,789 gifts
• During all of 2008, we sent a total of 146,107 gifts
• In the first quarter of 2009, we sent a total of 46,587 gifts
• Compared to last year, that's more than a 40% increase!

For more information on how to Join the SOC Team Movement or To Send A FREE Card go to

How "Green" is SendOutCards?

That's a good questions, and one we get asked quite often, especially since we're involved in the printing and paper industry. Let's take a look at a few company facts, and we'll let you answer that question yourself:

• SendOutCards uses recycled paper to print our cards and uses recycled paper for our envelopes. In fact, if you check the back of our greeting cards, you'll notice the recycling logo that we've been given permission to add to every card.

• Less than 1% of the paper we order becomes scraps, and as a company we not only recycle our paper but our aluminum cans as well.

• Our iGen Printers meet the RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances directive) created by the European Union. This RoHS standard is stricter than many US standards.

We may not have windmills generating our power or solar panels spread across our rooftop, but we're proud to say that SendOutCards is involved in helping the environment and doing our part to make a difference.

Join the SOC Movement TODAY and make a difference!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Marketing Tips for Businesses

Powerful business articles %26 successful Internet Marketing Tips ...
If you're someone who can appreciate the value of a guaranteed return on the time and money you invest -- ...

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Increase Your Google Adsense Earnings The Visitor Friendly Way ...
Increase Your Google Adsense Earnings The Visitor Friendly Way. By Legitimate Home Based Business On April 17, 2009 Under Internet Marketing. Google Adsense has provided website owners a simple way to make money online. ...

Blog Marketing

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Medical Billing For Doctors

Medical Billing at Home | Topics For All
From the very term 'Medical Billing' it can be safely surmised that Medical Billing at home is something to do with the Billing For some Medical services. True. You should contact the patients and get the Doctors' bills paid by them For ...

Blog Content Wizard

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

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BRAND Your Business, Increase Your SALES | Briefing Room on SVConline
New NSCA Power Marketing Toolkit%26trade; Defines Tools and Resources for Marketing SuccessCEDAR RAPIDS, IA, April 7, 2009 %26mdash; Understand Your brand value, use market research to generate and target leads, ...

Blog Content Postings

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Send Out Your Love with SendOutCards!

Do you enjoy sending heartfelt and unexpected cards? Well, we have the perfect place for you: our Send Your Love page. Each month we feature a new story and provide an address where cards and gifts can be sent. These are people who deserve a little attention, some recognition, or perhaps a little SOC love and support in their lives.

All month the individual or organization featured is flooded with heartfelt cards and probably a box of brownies or two. We can only imagine the impact that these kind acts, made by strangers, have on them.

We wanted to spread the word once more about this program and remind everyone that at the beginning of the month, tomorrow, we'll be posting a new story. You can also sneak in a final card to Vi, who we currently have featured on our Send Your Love page.

JOIN SendOutCards Here!

Marketing Tips for Businesses

8 Top Internet Marketing Tips | Work From Home Business Blog
Internet Marketing Tips are just everywhere. You just need to know where to find good and useful online Marketing Tips that are good for your business growth.

Blog Content Generator

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Dying Wish of a 4-Year-Old Boy

A couple of weeks ago, SendOutCards distributor, Sharon Kruep, had the founder of a charity company join her organization. The company raises money for families of sick children. The founder of this company told Sharon about a family that were participating in their program from Missouri, the Thurmans.

The Thurmans have a four-year-old son named Colton who was recently told he has 6-12 months to live. The founder of this company asked Colton's mother what they can do for him, and her reply was that her son didn't want candy or toys, or even a trip to Disneyland; amazingly, he just wanted cards. It just so happened that Sharon was involved in the greeting card industry, and she passed this story our way.

Colton's desires to receive greetings cards over anything else shows us how important it is for us to continue our crusade and that we truly can change the world one card at at time. We want to help make this final wish come true for Colton and hope you'll not only take a moment to send a card or two yourself, but that you'll help everyone you know do the same. Here's the address where cards can be sent:

Colton Thurman
34 Blue Bird Lane Unit 4C
Lake Ozarks, MO 65049

Thanks for helping us spread some joy to this young boy during the remaining months of his life.

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Medical Billing For Doctors

Top 7 Benefits of Running a Health Care Office With Electronic ...
Many health care offices today are using Medical Billing software and electronic Medical records. Most Doctors, as well as office managers, view this transition as taking a step Forward to being more efficient, more streamlined. ...

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How Using Article Marketing Can Increase Your Business by 10X. Many Business don't know that by writing a simple yet informative article about their Business or products they can Increase their Business by 10X. ...

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Friday, April 3, 2009

Has It Really Come To This?

No doctor ever wants to "fire" a patient. Yet with all the difficulties in running a practice (biggest headaches are on the billing side), things are getting out of hand.

If this office had an efficient, outsourced billing service, these types of incidents would very few and far between.

Still Have Questions
Read more in our
Electronic Medical Claims Processing FAQ

Calculate Your Potential SavingsTake a look at our EMC Savings Calculator