Tuesday, March 17, 2009

SendOutCards Creates Custom Cards for American Idol Contestant, Megan Joy

SendOutCards design team has created a series of cards specifically for American Idol contestant, Megan Joy. For those of you who haven't heard, Megan is a SendOutCards distributor and a close friend to the company. She actually helps create the personalized fonts that our card senders use everyday. In fact, during an episode this week they mentioned that Megan was a "font analyst."

These custom cards will be a great way for us to express our support to Megan and show the world the capabilities of SendOutCards. We hope you'll join with us on this campaign to send her as many cards as we can! We can only imagine what everyone at American Idol--the judges, other contestants, and producers of the show--will think about the hundreds of custom cards being sent her way.

WHERE TO FIND MEGAN'S CUSTOM CARDS (For Current SOC Clients and Distributors):
In the old card editor, just go to the "My Cards" section and click on the category "SendOutCards" to view and send a few to Megan. You can create a campaign, share it with others, or just send card periodically her way.


Last week on American Idol, they eliminated two contestants and 11 remain, including Megan. The judges also introduced a new rule where they will be able to save one person if they are voted off, if they feel that individual should still continue on in the competition.

The next show will be Tuesday, March 17. Tune in to FOX TV and check your local listing to see when American Idol will be broadcast locally.

For More Information about Send Out Cards watch this video!

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